/* Lasso 8 */
  local('query' = 'SELECT * FROM `'+var:'table'+'` WHERE `id` > 10
    ORDER BY `Name` LIMIT 30');
  Inline: -Username=$DBuser, -Password=$DBpass, -Database=$DBname, -sql=#query;
    var("class1.name" = (found_count != 0 ? "subtotal" | "nonefound"),
        "total_amount" = found_count || "No results");
      output: "<tr>"loop_count"</tr>";
?><div class="[$class1.name]">[$total_amount]</div>
/* Lasso 9 */ ?>
[noprocess] causes [delimiters] to be <?=skipped?> until the next [/noprocess]
  define strings.combine(value::string, ...other)::string => {
    local(result = #value->append(#other->asString&trim))
    return set(#result, not #other, \givenBlock)
  /**! descriptive text */
  define person => type {
    parent entity
    data name::string, protected nickname, birthdate :: date
    data private ssn = null
    private showAge() => frozen { return ..age }
    protected fullName() => `"` + .nickname + `"` + .'name'
    public ssnListed::boolean => .ssn() ? true | false
  define person->name=(value) => {
    .'name' = #value
    return self->'name'
  define bytes->+(rhs::bytes) => bytes(self)->append(#rhs)&
] <!-- an HTML comment <?=disables delimiters?> as well -->
[no_square_brackets] disables [square brackets] for the rest of the file
  // query expression
  with n in array((:-12, 0xABCD, 3.14159e14), (:NaN, -infinity, .57721))
  let swapped = pair(#n->\second, #n->first)
  group #swapped by #n->first into t
  let key = #t->key
  order by #key
  select pair(#key, #1)
  do {^