Daily Sales

Check out each collumn for more details

Profit Share

Profit Share between customers
37% Sport Tickets
47% Business Events
19% Others

Revenue Change

Revenue change breakdown by cities
+10% New York
-7% London
+20% California

Application Sales

Application Sales Change Status Total
Vertex 2.0 Vertex To By Again 19,200
in process $14,740
Metronic Powerful Admin Theme 24,310
pending $16,010
Apex The Best Selling App 9,076
new $37,200
Cascades Design Tool 11,094
new $8,520
Application Sales Change Status Total
Loop CRM System 19,200
in process $34,740
Selto Powerful Website Builder 24,310
new $46,010
Jippo The Best Selling App 9,076
approved $67,800
Verto Web Development Tool 11,094
pending $18,520
Phyton A Programming Language
FlyThemes A Let's Fly Fast Again Language
AirApp Awesome App For Project Management
63% Sales Grow
54% Orders Grow
41% Profit Grow
79% Member Grow
* lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetuer sediat elit
63% London
54% Glasgow
41% Dublin
79% Edinburgh
Type Amount
EPS +78,05%
PDO 21,700
OPL Status Negative
Priority +500,200
Net Prifit $18,540,60
20% Margins
80% Profit
10% Lost
Type Amount
EPS +78,05%
PDO 21,700
OPL Status Negative
Priority +500,200
Net Prifit $18,540,60
20% Margins
80% Profit
10% Lost
Delivered 15 New Paskages
Ordered 72 New Items
Reported 72 Support Cases
Arrived 34 Upgraded Boxes
670+ Successful transactions

A Programming Language


A Let's Fly Fast Again Language


Good Coffee & Snacks

Sales IPO, Margins, Transactions
Profit Expenses, Loses, Profits
570 Total Sales
640 Completed Transactions
234+ Transactions
4.4M$ Paid Comissions
Annual Companies Taxes EMS $500,000
Next Tax Review Date July 24,2017
Avarage Product Price $60,70
Satisfication Rate
Annual Taxes EMS $400,000
Finance Review Date July 24,2019
Avarage Revenue $60M
Revenue Margin

Select A Demo

Demo 13
Demo 14
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Demo 16
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Demo 18
Demo 19
Demo 20
Demo 21
Demo 22
Demo 23
Demo 24
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Demo 26
Demo 27
Demo 28
Demo 29
Demo 30
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Select A Demo

Demo 13
Demo 14
Demo 15
Demo 16
Demo 17
Demo 18
Demo 19
Demo 20
Demo 21
Demo 22
Demo 23
Demo 24
Demo 25
Demo 26
Demo 27
Demo 28
Demo 29
Demo 30
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