Start Processing : 2025-03-15 01:39:17
0 rows affectedUPDATE db_opportunity_hist SET _lastStageChangeTS = STR_TO_DATE(_lastStageChangeDate, '%c/%e/%Y') where _lastStageChangeDate != '';
[10] 0.45 seconds -> 0 rows affected
UPDATE db_opportunity_hist SET _lastModifiedTS= STR_TO_DATE(_closeDate, '%c/%e/%Y') where _closeDate != '';
[20] 0.13 seconds -> 0 rows affected
update db_opportunity_hist set _from = case when _fromStage = 'Discovery' then 1 when _fromStage = 'Presentation' then 2 when _fromStage = 'Evaluation/Proposal' then 3 when _fromStage = 'Proposal/Price Quote' then 3 when _fromStage = 'Evaluation' then 3 when _fromStage = 'Negotiation' then 4 when _fromStage = 'Vendor of Choice' then 5 when _fromStage = 'Contract Signed' then 6 when _fromStage = 'Closed Won' then 7 when _fromStage = 'Closed Lost' then 0 when _fromStage = 'Closed Disqualified' then 0 when _fromStage = 'On Hold' then 0 when _fromStage = 'Cancel' then 0 else '' end
[30] 0.22 seconds -> 0 rows affected
update db_opportunity_hist set _to = case when _toStage = 'Discovery' then 1 when _toStage = 'Presentation' then 2 when _toStage = 'Evaluation/Proposal' then 3 when _toStage = 'Proposal/Price Quote' then 3 when _toStage = 'Evaluation' then 3 when _toStage = 'Negotiation' then 4 when _toStage = 'Vendor of Choice' then 5 when _toStage = 'Contract Signed' then 6 when _toStage = 'Closed Won' then 7 when _toStage = 'Closed Lost' then 0 when _toStage = 'Closed Disqualified' then 0 when _toStage = 'On Hold' then 0 when _toStage = 'Cancel' then 0 else '' end
[40] 0.32 seconds -> 0 rows affected
update db_opportunity_hist set _movement = _to - _from
[50] 0.22 seconds -> 0 rows affected