=== Meta Box - WordPress Custom Fields Framework === Contributors: elightup, metabox, rilwis, fitwp, f-j-kaiser, funkatronic, PerWiklander, ruanmer, Omnicia Donate link: https://metabox.io/pricing/ Tags: meta-box, custom fields, custom field, meta, meta-boxes, admin, advanced, custom, edit, field, file, image, magic fields, matrix, more fields, Post, repeater, simple fields, text, textarea, type, cms, fields post Requires at least: 4.3 Requires PHP: 5.3 Tested up to: 5.4.2 Stable tag: 5.3.3 License: GPLv2 or later Meta Box plugin is a powerful, professional developer toolkit to create custom meta boxes and custom fields for WordPress. == Description == **Meta Box is a powerful, professional, and lightweight toolkit for developers to create unlimited custom meta boxes and WordPress custom fields.** Meta Box helps you add [custom fields](https://metabox.io) and details on your website such as pages, posts, forms and anywhere you want using over 40 different field types such as text, images, file upload, checkboxes, and more. On top of that, each WordPress custom field type has extensive internal options for unlimited content possibilities. Complete customization and control is just a few clicks away. Adding WordPress custom fields and custom meta boxes is quick and painless: Select the field types you want in the user-friendly [Online Generator](https://metabox.io/online-generator/), then copy and paste the code into your child theme's `functions.php` file. **Boom! All the power with none of the bloat.** There are also free and premium extensions available to add enhanced capabilities. You can manage the display and organization of your WordPress custom fields, the conditions upon which they appear, and become the ultimate WordPress data wizard. You can also check out the [full list of extensions](https://metabox.io/plugins/) and [MetaBox.io](https://metabox.io) for details. ### Features #### Create any type of metadata or custom fields in WordPress That's right – any type. No matter where you need to insert custom data and features, Meta Box's WordPress custom fields have your back, and with infinite options to boot. **Here are just a few of the data types you can customize:** - Posts - Pages - Custom post types - [Taxonomies](https://metabox.io/plugins/mb-term-meta/) - [Settings pages](https://metabox.io/plugins/mb-settings-page/) - [Theme option pages](https://metabox.io/plugins/mb-settings-page/) - [User profile pages](https://metabox.io/plugins/mb-user-profile/) - [Post comments](https://metabox.io/plugins/mb-comment-meta/) - [And even more data types](https://docs.metabox.io/field-settings/) than Batman has tools on his utility belt. #### A wide-range of field types and options Take your standard WordPress custom field and imagine it infinitely expanded. That's how many options Meta Box gives you: - Meta Box supports [40+ built-in WordPress custom field types](https://docs.metabox.io/field-settings/) for all your needs including text, textarea, WYSIWYG editor, image, file, post, select, checkbox, radio buttons, date/time picker, taxonomy, user, oembed and more to come. - Not enough? You can also [effortlessly create your own field type](https://docs.metabox.io/custom-field-type/). - Meta Box supports cloning fields for most field types including the WYSIWYG editor field. It also supports [repeatable field groups](https://metabox.io/plugins/meta-box-group/). - Utilize WordPress' powerful [action](https://docs.metabox.io/actions/) and [filter](https://docs.metabox.io/filters/) system so you can build or change a site's appearance and behavior in the plugin. #### It's developer-friendly As a developer, you have enough on your plate. You shouldn't have to create an entirely new system for each project. Use Meta Box to your full advantage. You can use Meta Box and its custom fields in WordPress on as many websites as you want so you can use it on client projects as well. - Has an ultra-lightweight, yet powerful API that won't overload your site. - Add only what you need instead of getting stuck with a bundle of features you don't even want that bloat your site. - Meta Box [easily integrates with any theme and plugin](https://docs.metabox.io/integration/), and also [works with the Composer package dependency manager](https://docs.metabox.io/composer/). - We use the [native WordPress meta data storage](https://docs.metabox.io/database/) and functions for ease of use and lightning-fast processing. - It's compatible with WPML multilingual plugin, and is officially supported by the WPML team. #### Don't love coding? You're in luck! Meta Box is built mostly for developers since you need to copy and paste some code, but if you prefer a more visual system to create custom fields in WordPress, you can choose one or all of the extensions below: - [MB Custom Post Type](https://wordpress.org/plugins/mb-custom-post-type/) - [Meta Box – Beaver Themer Integrator](https://metabox.io/plugins/meta-box-beaver-themer-integrator/) - [Meta Box Builder](https://metabox.io/plugins/meta-box-builder/) The [Meta Box Builder extension](https://metabox.io/plugins/meta-box-builder/) has a ton of features to make quick work of any project: - All the power of Meta Box without touching a single line of code. - It's designer-friendly, lightweight and works at top-notch speeds. - Create an unlimited amount of WordPress custom fields at lightning speeds and with a user-friendly drag-and-drop interface. - Over 40 custom field types available that you can drag and drop to where you need ‘em. - Export your custom fields and settings to PHP. Then, add it to a new site without needing to install this extension for an incredibly lightweight option. - It has the goods with conditional logic, priority and context options ready and waiting. ### Extensions Speaking of extensions, there are a ton of free and premium ones available to further extend the already powerful core Meta Box plugin so you can supercharge your custom fields in WordPress. You'll have ultimate control to add whatever meta box and custom fields in WordPress you could ever want. Then, you can tailor it all to fit your exact specifications. #### Free Extensions - [MB Custom Post Type](https://wordpress.org/plugins/mb-custom-post-type/): Create and manage custom post types and taxonomies quickly with an easy-to-use interface. - [MB Relationships](https://wordpress.org/plugins/mb-relationships/): Create as many connections as you want from post-to-post or page-to-page. - [Meta Box Yoast SEO](https://wordpress.org/plugins/meta-box-yoast-seo/): Add WordPress custom fields to Yoast SEO Content Analysis to generate more accurate SEO scores. - [MB Rest API](https://metabox.io/plugins/mb-rest-api/): Pull all meta values from posts and terms into the WP REST API responses. - [MB Comment Meta](https://wordpress.org/plugins/mb-comment-meta/): Add WordPress custom fields to comments in WordPress. It supports all field types and options. - [MB Custom Taxonomy](https://metabox.io/plugins/custom-taxonomy/): Create and manage custom taxonomies in WordPress with a user-friendly interface. - [Meta Box Text Limiter](https://wordpress.org/plugins/meta-box-text-limiter/): Limit the number of characters or words entered for text and textarea fields. - [Meta Box – FacetWP Integrator](https://metabox.io/plugins/meta-box-facetwp-integrator/): Integrates Meta Box, and FacetWP to make WordPress custom fields searchable and filterable in the frontend. - [Meta Box – Beaver Themer Integrator](https://metabox.io/plugins/meta-box-beaver-themer-integrator/): Integrates Meta Box, and Beaver Themer to show WordPress custom fields easier in the frontend. #### Premium Extensions - [MB Blocks](https://metabox.io/plugins/mb-blocks/): Create custom Gutenberg blocks with PHP, using the same syntax in Meta Box. - [Meta Box Builder](https://metabox.io/plugins/meta-box-builder/): Create custom meta boxes and custom fields in WordPress using a user-friendly drag-and-drop interface. - [Meta Box Group](https://metabox.io/plugins/meta-box-group/): Create repeatable groups of WordPress custom fields for better appearance and structure. - [MB Settings Page](https://metabox.io/plugins/mb-settings-page/): Create settings pages for themes, plugins or websites with beautiful syntax. - [MB Term Meta](https://metabox.io/plugins/mb-term-meta/): Add meta data to categories, tags or any custom taxonomy with simple syntax. - [Meta Box Conditional Logic](https://metabox.io/plugins/meta-box-conditional-logic/): Add visibility dependency for custom meta boxes and custom fields in WordPress. - [Meta Box Include Exclude](https://metabox.io/plugins/meta-box-include-exclude/): Show or hide meta boxes by ID, page template, taxonomy, or custom function. - [MB Frontend Submission](https://metabox.io/plugins/mb-frontend-submission/): Create frontend forms for users to submit custom content and embed them anywhere with a shortcode. - [Meta Box Columns](https://metabox.io/plugins/meta-box-columns/): Display eye-catching custom fields in WordPress by putting them into 12-column grids. - [Meta Box Tabs](https://metabox.io/plugins/meta-box-tabs/): Painlessly create tabs for meta boxes. There are 3 supported WordPress-native tab styles and icons. - [MB Admin Columns](https://metabox.io/plugins/mb-admin-columns/): Display WordPress custom fields in table columns on admin screens for all post types. - [MB Custom Table](https://metabox.io/plugins/mb-custom-table/): Save custom field data to custom tables instead of the default meta tables to reduce your database's size and increase its performance. - [MB Revision](https://metabox.io/plugins/mb-revision/): Track changes to custom fields in WordPress with revisions. You can save, compare and restore the changes smoothly. - [MB User Meta](https://metabox.io/plugins/mb-user-meta/): Quickly add WordPress custom fields to user profiles in the wp_usermeta table with simple syntax. - [Meta Box Geolocation](https://metabox.io/plugins/meta-box-geolocation/): Automatically and instantly populate location data with the power of the Google Maps Geolocation API. - [Meta Box Template](https://metabox.io/plugins/meta-box-template/): Make defining custom meta boxes and WordPress custom fields way easier with templates. - [Meta Box Tooltip](https://metabox.io/plugins/meta-box-tooltip/): Display help information for custom fields in WordPress using beautiful tooltips. - [Meta Box Show Hide](https://metabox.io/plugins/meta-box-show-hide-javascript/): Toggle meta boxes by page template, post format, taxonomy and category via JavaScript. See all the available [extensions on the Meta Box website](https://metabox.io/plugins/). ### Detailed Documentation We won't leave you high and dry. We provide regularly updated, and extensive documentation as well as tutorials on how to use MetaBox and custom fields in WordPress to your advantage as well as in the most efficient way possible. Here are a few guides to quickly get you started with Meta Box and creating your own WordPress custom fields: - [Quick Start Guide](https://docs.metabox.io/quick-start/) - [Creating Meta Boxes](https://docs.metabox.io/creating-meta-boxes/) - [Field Settings](https://docs.metabox.io/field-settings/) - [Displaying Fields](https://docs.metabox.io/displaying-fields/) Check out more on the [Meta Box Documentation](https://docs.metabox.io/) page. == Installation == From within WordPress 1. Visit **Plugins > Add New** 1. Search for **Meta Box** 1. Click the **Install Now** button to install the plugin 1. Click the **Activate** button to activate the plugin Manually 1. Unzip the download package 1. Upload `meta-box` to the `/wp-content/plugins/` directory 1. Activate the plugin through the 'Plugins' menu in WordPress To getting started with the plugin, please read the [Quick Start Guide](https://docs.metabox.io/quick-start/). == Frequently Asked Questions == == Screenshots == 1. Text Fields 1. Basic Fields 1. Advanced Fields 1. File Image Upload Fields 1. Media Fields 1. Post Taxonomy Fields == Changelog == = 5.3.3 - 2020-07-21 = - Hide Go Pro link for premium users - Update intro and image for the Online Generator in the welcome page = 5.3.2 - 2020-07-03 = - Fix validation not working for media fields - Add "add_to" option for media fields to allow adding new images to the beginning/end of the list - Improve style for input & select on the sidebar - Improve style for mobiles = 5.3.1 - 2020-06-03 = - Fix validation not working for multiple forms (front end) - Fix PHP warning: Creating default object from empty value - Fix cloning, sorting wysiwyg field when users disable visual editor - Change color of switch based on admin color scheme = 5.3.0 - 2020-05-11 = - Add `rwmb_set_meta` function to set meta value. - Add Gutenberg compatibility for validation. - Fix wrong label output for switch when it's off. = 5.2.10 - 2020-04-17 = - Hotfix for getting meta value for checkbox list. = 5.2.9 - 2020-04-17 = - Fix cloning default value not working for some fields. = 5.2.8 - 2020-04-06 = **Added** - Add option open info window in Google Maps when loaded - Add `alpha_channel` & update style to background field - Add support for custom Ajax parameters for object fields. **Fixed** - Fix validation rules still applied for hidden fields - Fix `image_upload` field select files not working on iPhone - Fix fatal error with Frontend Submission & Elementor - Fix 'zoom' parameter not working for OSM field on the front end **Changed** - Remove languages folder. Load languages from translate.wordpress.org only = 5.2.7 - 2020-02-07 = - Fix warning in image field for metadata[‘sizes’]. - Allow to quick define text fields with “name” attribute only. = 5.2.6 - 2020-02-03 = - Fix wrong tag when deploying = 5.2.5 - 2020-02-03 = **Fixed** - Fix CSS in about page and add MB Core to list of premium plugins - Fix edit icon not showing popup for image fields - Fix OpenStreetMap not loading properly in tabs **Changed** - Replace date() with gmdate() - Update style for input prepend/append for WordPress >= 5.3 **Added** - Add custom trigger after validation for Tabs/Settings extensiosn to show error fields - Add URL to all sizes in the returned value of helper functions for images = 5.2.4 - 2019-12-11 = **Added** - Add hook `rwmb_field_registered` after a field is registered. - Add (*) to required fields **Changed** - Remove required attribute for license input box. - Don't redirect when bulk activate with other plugins. **Fixed** - Fix style for `select`, `select_advanced` fields in WordPress 5.3. - Fix getting object fields for settings pages = 5.2.3 - 2019-11-01 = **Changed** - Set clone=false if max_clone=1 - Shows only images in the selection popup for image field - Hide license key **Fixed** - Fixed parsed terms in taxonomy advanced for MB Blocks - Don't show date picker for readonly fields - Fix warning when output empty background field value - Fix empty meta value when save_field=false = 5.2.2 - 2019-10-09 = **Fixed** - Fix sanitizing empty post field - Fix post thumbnail not saving in MB Frontend Submission - Fix undefined index for `image_select` field when using helper functions with no value. - Fix JQMIGRATE: 'ready' event is deprecated **Changed** - Add styling for date picker, autocomplete, select2 to show in the Customizer (for MB Settings Page) = 5.2.1 - 2019-09-26 = **Fixed** - Fix object fields show only selected items when field type is not select advanced - Fix background field not saving position, attachment & size - Fix undefined variable in media modal - Fix non-unique input name for a non-cloneable file in a cloneable group = 5.2.0 - 2019-09-18 = **Added** - Add ajax support for object fields. - Add custom CSS class for meta box wrapper div. **Changed** - Improve file upload, making it works in groups. - Optimize performance for cloning wysiwyg field. - Bypass updates for embed extensions via TGMPA. **Fixed** - Fix PHP warning when using clone with date formatting. - Fix file upload input not visible when clone a file field with uploaded files = max_file_uploads. = 5.1.2 - 2019-08-29 = **Fixed** - Fix adding >= 2 blocks containing a wysiwyg field not rendering - Fix CSS for wyswigy field in Gutenberg - Do not show upgrade message in the Dashboard for premium users - Fix media field is blank - Fix cannot access to license page in Multisite **Changed** - Fire `change` and/or `mb_change` events when fields change to update custom blocks in real-time (requires [MB Blocks](https://metabox.io/plugins/mb-blocks/) extension) = 5.1.1 - 2019-08-23 = **Fixed** - Fix sanitizing number always return 0 if it's blank - Fix sanitizing URL **Changed** - Set default field 'type' to 'text', make it optional and help you write less code - File/image fields: do not show add new file link if max_file_uploads = 1 = 5.1.0 - 2019-08-19 = **Fixed** - Fatal error with `RWMB_About::redirect()` - Ensure change event fires when editors change - Fix `rwmb_{$field_id}_choice_label` not working for cloneable fields - Fix missing dependency (underscore) for datepicker JS - Fix unindex notice for key_value field - Fix alignment for video field **Changed** - Update notification sytem - Improve sanitization for fields. See [documentation](https://docs.metabox.io/sanitization/) for details. = 5.0.1 - 2019-07-25 = **Fixed** - Fix license notification always show = 5.0.0 - 2019-07-24 = **IMPORTANT:** Since version 5.0.0, the plugin requires PHP >= 5.3. If you use an older PHP version, please ask your host to upgrade or use an older version of Meta Box. **Changed** - New minimum PHP version is now 5.3. - Rewrite all JavaScript to prepare for Gutenberg blocks - Allow to create meta box with no fields. **Added** - Add the updater for auto update of premium extensions - Add support for `user`, `settings_pages` in `rwmb_get_object_fields` **Fixed** - Fix warning for cloneable single image. [See full changelog here](https://metabox.io/changelog/). == Upgrade Notice == Since version 5.0.0, the plugin requires PHP >= 5.3. If you use an older PHP version, please ask your host to upgrade or use an older version of Meta Box.