== Changelog == = 1.6.1 = - Added: Display a list of scheduled actions on WPForms > Tools > Scheduled Actions page. - Added: Multiple select option for Dropdown field (off by default). - Added: New Modern style option for Dropdown field (off by default). - Added: Support Smart Tags in form descriptions. - Fixed: Properly handle multiple clicks on various accordion-like elements on Form Builder and Settings > Integrations pages. - Fixed: Remove all the plugin-related information on uninstall from the DB when opted-in in plugin settings. - Fixed: Replace all new lines characters with spaces in notification email subjects (e.g., when an address field value is used in a subject via a smart tag). - Fixed: Make sure the plugin doesn't crash when `iconv` PHP extension is not installed on a server. - Fixed: Properly handle fields with choices with new lines in their labels when connected to Conditional Logic. - Fixed: Google Invisible v2 reCAPTCHA should show Submit Button Processing Text when the form is submitted. - Fixed: Display the list of countries in the "Countries" preset and in the Address field in alphabetical order regardless of the current site language. = = - Fixed: The default value 0 (zero) of the Paragraph Text field does not display on the frontend. - Fixed: Product education URL encoding issues. - Fixed: Securely store WPForms anonymized cookie, so it cannot be sent along with cross-site requests (samesite). - Fixed: Various PHP notices that may appear during wildly complicated forms submissions. - Fixed: Improved escaping inside Form Builder live preview, props Fortinet Fortiguard Labs. - Fixed: Incorrect interval value was used when running a cleanup job after notifications sent. - Fixed: Delete orphaned plugin translation files when cleanup option in plugin settings is checked and the plugin is deleted from the site. = = - Added: Admin bar menu item. - Added: Form Builder alert when using browser "Back" button if form contains unsaved changes. - Added: Settings > Emails: "Optimize Email Sending" option which enables sending emails asynchronously. - Changed: Async form notification emails are now off by default. - Changed: Number Slider field display improvements on small devices. - Fixed: Error if there are some plugins or themes add `widget_title` filter. - Fixed: Choice Images not displaying in form notifications if no label is set. - Fixed: Form Builder "drag zone" not available when all fields are deleted. - Fixed: Empty `div` appended to end of form display. - Fixed: Block alignment issues (WordPress 5.4+). - Fixed: Form Builder field option panel is not available if field is placed before the last form field. - Fixed: Fallback population for fields with choices (checkbox, radio etc) when special characters are used. - Fixed: Integrity of decoded data with additional sanitizing. - Fixed: Compatibility issues with Elementor. = = - Fixed: do not try to process entries in Lite. = = - Changed: Improve async notification emails scheduling compatibility with certain caching plugins and site installs. - Fixed: Some smart tags are not rendered correctly in the email notifications if sent asynchronously. = = - Fixed: Checkbox image click doesn't work well to select an option. - Fixed: Do not allow empty connection names (spaces only) for providers. = 1.5.9 = - IMPORTANT: Support for PHP 5.4 has been discontinued. If you are running PHP 5.4, you MUST upgrade PHP before installing WPForms 1.5.9. Failure to do that will disable WPForms core functionality. - Added: New hooks and filters in several places, e.g. pre-deletion for entries/forms. - Added: Async/scheduled tasks management support (e.g. sending emails in the background). - Changed: Update the "How to Create Your First Contact Form" video URL. - Changed: Update the "How to Embed A Form" video URL in a Form Builder "Embed" modal. - Changed: Number Slider field: allow empty value in "Value Display" option. - Changed: Improved admin input field focus states to be more consistent with WordPress core. - Fixed: Numbers/Numbers Slider field: allow `0` value in email notifications and field smart tags output. - Fixed: Required Checkbox fields with `0` value not passing validation. - Fixed: Multiple Choice field could generate a PHP notice when the form was created after using a custom form template. - Fixed: Initialize tooltips properly for newly created Notifications/Confirmations. - Fixed: Ajax button should be re-enabled after incorrect form submission. - Fixed: Remove Javascript alert notice when form is viewed in AMP. - Fixed: Improve compatibility with the "Lazy Loading Feature Plugin" for Ajax spinner image on front-end. - Fixed: Validation issue with required Checkbox fields using Image Choices. - Fixed: Form builder preview issue with a field using Dynamic Choices setting. - Fixed: Number Field values not allowing leading zeros. - Fixed: Form Builder: templates search bar shows icon over text. - Fixed: Security hardening and improvements. = = - Fixed: Can't add new line in textareas in the form builder (Notifications > Message etc). - Fixed: Choices editing block inside the form builder is hidden if creating a form using a template. = = - Fixed: "Invalid form" error on form submit if AJAX form submissions is enabled and user is not logged in. = 1.5.8 = - Changed: Sullie logo in the Form Builder got his left hand back. - Changed: Hide image choices options if dynamic choices is enabled. - Changed: Adjusted Number field input to improve consistency across different browsers/devices. - Changed: Improve Block detection to load CSS styles earlier. - Changed: Open New Provider Connection modal after account has been added. - Changed: Improve the way Lite and Pro versions of the plugin activation handled. - Changed: Remove the unnecessary "Required" setting from a Number Slider field. - Fixed: Number slider incorrect label display in the form Builder preview panel. - Fixed: Quick links menu generating browser console error on Survey Print results page. - Fixed: Required validation message isn't removed immediately on choices selection. - Fixed: Form Builder styles compatibility with the new WordPress 5.3 styles. - Fixed: Correctly process Enter key press in Smart phone field when Enter is used to submit a form. - Fixed: Remove not-needed GET params from URL in Builder when a new form created to prevent race conditions with certain providers loading logic. - Fixed: Properly scroll in all major browsers to a faulty field in a form, including multi-page forms. - Fixed: Textarea character limit check returns an error if the content pasted is too large and contains '\r\n' line breaks. = 1.5.7 = - Added: Number Slider field. - Added: reCAPTCHA field in Form Builder allowing to easily manage the reCAPTCHA for a form. - Added: Admin area quick links menu. - Added: Analytics sub-menu page. - Added: SMTP sub-menu page. - Changed: Improved forms bulk actions processing. - Changed: Added a Form Builder splash screen which is displayed on mobile devices. - Changed: Display warning message if JavaScript is disabled in the browser. - Changed: Improved form front-end display and alignment for Gutenberg focused themes. - Changed: Improved invisible reCAPTCHA behavior when form is submitted. - Changed: Improved actions and filters for notification emails. - Fixed: Duplicate of the duplicated form created on page reload. - Fixed: Do not submit the form via AJAX (if enabled in form settings) when in AMP mode. - Fixed: WordPress 5.3 admin area styling issues. - Fixed: Number field incorrectly processing negative numbers. - Fixed: `page_url` Smart Tag issues. = = - Added: Default value for "Paragraph text" field. - Fixed: WordPress 5.3 compatibility. - Fixed: Smart Phone countries squashed dropdown on screen-width <= 600px on themes with Base form styling selected. - Fixed: Field's Default value `0` disappears after saving and exiting the form builder. - Fixed: Smart Email field did not recognize `.dev` top level domains as valid. = = - N/A: Pro only release. = 1.5.6 = - IMPORANT: Support for PHP 5.3 has been discontinued. If you are running PHP 5.3, you MUST upgrade PHP before installing WPForms 1.5.6. Failure to do that will disable WPForms core functionality. - Added: Single Line Text/Paragraph fields limitation options (limit by character or word count). - Added: "Community" sub-menu page for easy access to helpful resources and links. - Changed: Minimum PHP version requirement is now PHP 5.4. - Changed: Minimum WordPress version requirement is now WordPress 4.9. = = - Fixed: Broken reCAPTCHA checkbox in Builder > Settings > General if reCAPTCHA type does not set in WPForms > Settings. - Fixed: Email field server-side validation issue. - Fixed: Broken "Bulk add" option in Builder in IE 11. - Fixed: Broken image choices selection and styling (layout) issue in IE 11. - Fixed: Backward compatible filters for some fields when displaying them were missing. = 1.5.5 = - Added: WPForms details inside Site Health Info reports (Tools > Site Health > Info). - Added: Filter `wpforms_emails_summaries_is_disabled` to easily disable Email Summaries functionality. - Added: New smart tag: `{field_html_id="42"}` - that will postprocess field value and display its HTML representation. - Changed: Improve `wpforms_get_ip()` IP detection and related `{user_ip}` smart-tag value. - Fixed: Giving access to WPForms for Editors (and other roles) should give access to dashboard widget as well. - Fixed: Add 'attr' property to 'input_container' for radio/checkbox-based fields. - Fixed: Various typos. - Fixed: WP Mail SMTP plugin description on About us page. = = - Changed: Renamed certain actions with typos in their names, backwards-compatible. Added a deprecation text using `do_action_deprecated()`. - Fixed: About Us page behaviour when WP Mail SMTP Pro is installed. - Fixed: reCAPTCHA settings could be saved without providing reCAPTCHA type. = = - Fixed: Plugin Settings > Misc > 'View Email Summary Example' link errors. = 1.5.4 = - Added: Email Summaries. - Added: Form builder hotkey to save changes, CTRL + S. - Changed: Team photo under WPForms > About Us. :) - Fixed: Dynamic field population populates checkbox and radio fields values but not adding 'wpforms-selected' class to its containers. - Fixed: Dropdown field attributes are now accessible with `wpforms_field_properties` filter. - Fixed: Form builder field buttons overflowing when translated. - Fixed: Dashboard widget PHP error. - Fixed: Form can be submitted multiple times if "Submit button processing text" form setting empty. - Fixed: "Error loading block" in Gutenberg if Additional CSS form settings are provided. = = - Fixed: Checkbox field validation issue when field is not required. = 1.5.3 = - Added: AJAX form submissions. - Added: Full support and compatiblity with Google AMP. - Added: Google reCAPTCHA v3. - Changed: WPForms uninstall script for better cleanup process. - Changed: Email field mailcheck feature to offer additional controls. New filters: `wpforms_mailcheck_enabled`, `wpforms_mailcheck_domains`, and `wpforms_mailcheck_toplevel_domains`. - Fixed: Special characters aren't encoded when Smart Tags are processed in query string. - Fixed: Fields with Image choices are not working with some Android and older desktop browsers. - Fixed: Form Builder: Several alert modals are displayed in batch if multiple providers have configuration issues. - Fixed: WP_Post object is returned from `wpforms()->form->get()` if form data is requested with a non-WPForms post ID. = = - Fixed: PHP error if checkbox field is empty when form is submitted. = = - Fixed: PHP notice/warnings from undefined constant (typo). = = - Fixed: Required Checkbox fields asking for all inputs to be checked to pass validation. = 1.5.2 = - Added: Choice Limit advanced option for Checkbox fields. - Added: Smart domain name typo detection for Email fields. - Added: New Gutenberg block keywords to help with discovery. - Added: Link to "How to Properly Test Your WordPress Forms Before Launching" doc inside Gutenberg block. - Changed: Form builder field delete icon, now a trash can. - Changed: Updated jQuery inputmask library to v4.0.6. - Changed: Updated jQuery validation plugin to v1.19.0. - Changed: Clear Dashboard widget cache when form is created/deleted/updated. - Fixed: Blank form if using form template containing `target="_blank"`. - Fixed: Honeypot field not using unique IDs. - Fixed: Duplicating forms creating another duplicate if afterwards the table was sorted. - Fixed: Minor issues with Gutenberg editor. - Fixed: Form Builder embed modal showing Classic Editor instructions for Gutenberg users. - Fixed: Number field allowing non-numerical characters on iOS devices. - Fixed: Field Dynamic Choices not showing in form preview when using "Post Type". = = - Fixed: Importing forms that containing `target="_blank"`. - Fixed: Quote support/display inside query param Smart Tags. - Fixed: Other minor fixes. = = - Fixed: Conflict with WordPress 5.1 if form contained target="_blank". - Fixed: Unable to uncheck default Multiple Choice value in form builder after being set initially. - Fixed: PHP error when entries are exported after a field has been deleted. - Fixed: Form builder Email notification conditional logic settings display issue after new notification is added. - Fixed: Conflict with some themes preventing Multiple Choice fields from being selectable. = 1.5.1 = - Added: Complete translations for Spanish, Italian, Japanese, and German. - Added: Smart Tag for referencing user meta data, `{user_meta key=""}`. - Changed: Improved support with LocoTranslate plugin. - Changed: Refactored Form Preview functionality, no longer requiring hidden private page to be created. - Changed: Always load full WPForms styling inside Gutenberg so forms render correctly. - Fixed: Typos, grammar, and other i18n related issues. - Fixed: Created alias class for `WPForms` to prevent issue with namespacing introduced in 1.5.0. - Fixed: Dynamic population issue when using Image Choices field setting. = = - Changed: Dashboard widget improvements. - Fixed: Various typos. = = - Changed: Minor improvements to Gutenberg block for WordPress 5.0. - Fixed: Error when activating WPForms Pro if WPForms Lite is still activated. = 1.5.0 = - IMPORTANT: Support for PHP 5.2 has been discontinued. If you are running PHP 5.2, you MUST upgrade PHP before installing WPForms 1.5. Failure to do that will disable WPForms core functionality. - Added: Dashboard widget. - Added: WPForms Challenge: an interactive step-by-step guide to creating a form for new users. - Added: Dynamic field population, available to enable from form settings. - Added: "About Us" admin page (WPForms > About Us). - Added: {user_first_name} and {user_last_name} Smart Tags. - Changed: Improved randomizing if field is configured to randomize items. - Changed: Improved i18n support. - Fixed: Form builder errors if user had Visual Editor disabled in profile. - Fixed: Form builder Windows styling issues. - Fixed: Form builder dynamic choices warning not always removing. - Fixed: Form builder "Show Layout" CSS formatting. - Fixed: reCAPTCHA compatibility when form is inside OptinMonster popup. - Fixed: Gutenberg block returning error if no forms have been created. = 1.4.9 = - Added: Pirate Forms importer. - Changed: Some form builder tooltips to contain documentation links. - Fixed: Form builder javascript conflict with jQuery non-conflict mode. - Fixed: PHP Notice from WPForms widget. - Fixed: Incorrect markup around Addons submenu item. = = - Fixed: Certain confirmation settings, before 1.4.8, not displaying correctly in the form builder. = 1.4.8 = - Added: Gutenberg block. - Added: WP Mail SMTP detection and hints in the form builder notification settings. - Added: Alt and title tags to image choices images on frontend display. - Changed: i18n improvements. - Fixed: Incorrect param used with `shortcode_atts`. - Fixed: Accessing `wpforms_setting` in frontend javascript before checking if it exists. - Fixed: PHP error toggling form builder notifications in some use cases. - Fixed: GDPR field Agreement text not updating in real time. - Fixed: Marketing provider connections containing an escaped apostrophe. - Fixed: Pressing "Enter" in the form builder resulting in unexpected behavior. - Fixed: Security enhancements and other misc. bug fixes. = = - Fixed: Honeypot field using a none unique CSS ID. - Fixed: Form builder Bulk Add display issues in certain use cases. - Fixed: Checkbox field values not saving if Show Values field option is enabled. = = - Changed: Updated Russian translation. - Fixed: Various i18n issues. = 1.4.7 = - Added: New Providers class and functionality. - Changed: Old PHP version (5.2 and 5.3) admin warning adjusted to reflect new August 2018 time line. - Fixed: Multiple Choice fields showing as Radio fields in the builder preview when first created. - Fixed: Duplicating fields in the form builder causing issues with certain field types. - Fixed: Escaping issue with provider connection names contained an apostrophe. - Fixed: Alignment issues with the Addons page display. - Fixed: Incorrect text on the Welcome activation page. = 1.4.6 = - Added: GDPR Enhancements plugin setting [doc](https://wpforms.com/how-to-create-gdpr-compliant-forms/). - Added: GDPR Enhancement: User Agreement form field. - Changed: PHP warning that alerts users support for PHP 5.4 and below will be dropped this summer. - Changed: Spam logging, to improve performance. - Fixed: Typo in base form CSS. - Fixed: Stripping HTML from the checkbox and mulitple choice labels in the form builder. - Fixed: Form builder icon visibility when field labels are hidden. = = - Changed: Use minified admin assets when appropriate. - Changed: Show helpful doc link in form embed modal. - Fixed: reCAPTCHA v2 showing in form builder when using Invisible reCAPTCHA. - Fixed: Remove jQuery shorthand references in `admin-utils` to prevent conflicts. = = - Fixed: Incorrect documenation link for Input Mask. - Fixed: Input Mask value disappearing when form builder is refreshed. = = - Fixed: Dynamic choices not displaying correctly for Multiple Choice and Checkbox fields. = 1.4.5 = - Added: Image choices feature with Checkbox and Multiple Choice fields; Images can now be uploaded and displayed with your choices! - Added: Custom input masks for Single Line Text fields (Advanced Options). - Added: No-Conflict Mode for Google reCAPTCHA (Settings > reCAPTCHA). Removes other reCAPTCHA occurrences, to prevent conflicts. - Added: SSL Connection Test (Tools > System Info). Quicky verify that your web host correct supports SSL connections. - Added: `{user_full_name}` Smart Tag, displays users first and last name. - Added: Discalimer / Terms of Service Display formatting option for Checkbox fields (Advanced Options). - Added: Basic CSS styling for `disabled` fields. - Added: Uninstall routine, available from Settings > Misc. - Added: Form builder performance improvements. Editing a form with hundreds of fields is now 500%+ faster! - Changed: New Settings tab: Misc, moved Hide Annoucements option to new tab. - Changed: `{user_display}` Smart Tag diplays user's display name (in most cases, this is the user's name). - Changed: All `