Start Processing : 2025-03-15 01:35:15
0 rows affectedUPDATE IGNORE db_pardot_click SET _code= '2020_07_14_EB_01_W2_CSuite' WHERE _code= '2020_07_14_EB_01_W2_CSuites'
[1] 0.08 seconds -> 0 rows affected
UPDATE IGNORE db_pardot_click SET _trimCode = REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE(_code,'-',''),'_',''),'(',''),')','')
[3] 0.06 seconds -> 0 rows affected
INSERT IGNORE INTO db_pardot_combined (_activityID, _prospectID, _email, _type, _campaignCode,_trimCode, _datetime) SELECT _id, _prospectID, _email, 'clicks', _code,_trimCode, STR_TO_DATE(_clickedAt, '%m/%e/%Y %H:%i') FROM db_pardot_click WHERE _trimCode IS NOT NULL AND _email NOT LIKE '' AND _email NOT LIKE '%geoforce%' AND STR_TO_DATE(_clickedAt, '%m/%e/%Y %H:%i') IS NOT NULL
[10] 6.91 seconds -> 0 rows affected
INSERT IGNORE INTO db_pardot_combined (_activityID, _prospectID, _email, _type, _campaignCode,_trimCode, _datetime) SELECT _id, _prospectID, _email, 'clicks', _code,_trimCode, STR_TO_DATE(_clickedAt, '%b %e,%Y %h:%i %p') FROM db_pardot_click WHERE _trimCode IS NOT NULL AND _email NOT LIKE '' AND _email NOT LIKE '%geoforce%' AND STR_TO_DATE(_clickedAt, '%b %e,%Y %h:%i %p') IS NOT NULL
[15] 0.08 seconds -> 0 rows affected
UPDATE db_pardot_combined c, db_airtable_email e SET c._emailID = e._id WHERE c._trimCode = e._trimCode
[40] 0.02 seconds -> 0 rows affected