Start Processing : 2025-03-15 01:45:01
0 rows affectedUPDATE db_workfront_utilization SET _createdDT = STR_TO_DATE(_entryDate, '%m/%d/%Y') WHERE _entryDate <> ''
[1] 0.06 seconds -> 0 rows affected
UPDATE db_workfront_utilization SET _completedDT = STR_TO_DATE(_actualCompletionDate,'%m/%d/%Y') WHERE _actualCompletionDate <> ''
[2] 0.01 seconds -> 0 rows affected
UPDATE db_workfront_utilization SET _dueDT = STR_TO_DATE(_dueOn,'%m/%d/%Y') WHERE _dueOn <> ''
[3] 0.01 seconds -> 0 rows affected
UPDATE db_workfront_utilization SET _predictCompleteDT = IF(_completedDT IS NULL, IF(_dueDT IS NOT NULL, IF(NOW() >= _dueDT, IF(NOW() >= DATE_ADD(_dueDT, INTERVAL 1 MONTH), _dueDT,NOW()), _dueDT),NULL), _completedDT)
[4] 0 seconds -> 0 rows affected
UPDATE db_workfront_utilization a LEFT JOIN db_cpm_standard_workflow b ON a._contentType = b._request SET a._designBrandingHours = b._designBranding, a._contentWritingHours = b._contentWriting, a._videoAnimationHours = b._videoAnimation
[5] 0.14 seconds -> 0 rows affected
UPDATE db_workfront_utilization SET _predictCategory = IF(_predictCompleteDT = _completedDT, 'Completed', IF(_predictCompleteDT = _dueDT, 'Actual Due Date', CONCAT('delayed ',DATEDIFF(_predictCompleteDT,_dueDT),' day(s)')))
[6] 0.01 seconds -> 0 rows affected
INSERT INTO db_cpm_month_snapshot(_monthYear) (SELECT DISTINCT a.YearMonths FROM (SELECT DISTINCT(DATE_FORMAT(_createdDT, '%Y%m')) AS 'YearMonths' FROM db_workfront_utilization) a WHERE a.YearMonths NOT IN (SELECT _monthYear FROM db_cpm_month_snapshot) GROUP BY a.YearMonths ORDER BY a.YearMonths) UNION ALL (SELECT CASE WHEN SUBSTRING(a._monthYear, 5, 2) = 12 THEN CONCAT(SUBSTRING(a._monthYear, 1, 4) + 1, '01') ELSE CONCAT(SUBSTRING(a._monthYear, 1, 4), LPAD(SUBSTRING(a._monthYear, 5, 2)+1, 2,'0')) END FROM (SELECT _monthYear, _id FROM db_cpm_month_snapshot ORDER BY _id DESC LIMIT 1) a WHERE LPAD(MONTH(CURDATE()), 2, '0') = LPAD(SUBSTRING(a._monthYear, 5, 2), 2,'0'))
[7] 0.01 seconds -> 0 rows affected
UPDATE db_cpm_month_snapshot a INNER JOIN (SELECT DATE_FORMAT(_createdDT, '%Y%m') AS _monthYear, COUNT(*) _taskCreated FROM db_workfront_utilization WHERE _createdDT IS NOT NULL AND _createdDT > '2023-01-31' GROUP BY _monthYear ORDER BY _monthYear DESC) b ON a._monthYear = b._monthYear SET a._taskCreated = b._taskCreated
[8] 0.02 seconds -> 0 rows affected
UPDATE db_cpm_month_snapshot a INNER JOIN (SELECT DATE_FORMAT(_completedDT, '%Y%m') AS _monthYear, COUNT(_completedDT) _taskCompleted FROM db_workfront_utilization WHERE _completedDT IS NOT NULL AND _completedDT > '2023-01-31' GROUP BY _monthYear ORDER BY _monthYear DESC ) b ON a._monthYear = b._monthYear SET a._taskCompleted = b._taskCompleted
[9] 0 seconds -> 0 rows affected
UPDATE db_cpm_month_snapshot a INNER JOIN (SELECT _monthYear, 5 * (DATEDIFF(LAST_DAY(STR_TO_DATE(CONCAT(SUBSTRING(_monthYear, 1, 4), '-', SUBSTRING(_monthYear, 5, 2), '-', '01'), '%Y-%m-%d')), STR_TO_DATE(CONCAT(SUBSTRING(_monthYear, 1, 4), '-', SUBSTRING(_monthYear, 5, 2), '-', '01'), '%Y-%m-%d')) DIV 7) + MID('1234555512344445123333451222234511112345001234550', 7 * WEEKDAY(STR_TO_DATE(CONCAT(SUBSTRING(_monthYear, 1, 4), '-', SUBSTRING(_monthYear, 5, 2), '-', '01'), '%Y-%m-%d')) + WEEKDAY(LAST_DAY(STR_TO_DATE(CONCAT(SUBSTRING(_monthYear, 1, 4), '-', SUBSTRING(_monthYear, 5, 2), '-', '01'), '%Y-%m-%d'))) + 1, 1) AS _workingDays FROM db_cpm_month_snapshot WHERE _workingDays = 0) b ON a._monthYear = b._monthYear SET a._workingDays = b._workingDays
[10] 0.01 seconds -> 0 rows affected
UPDATE db_cpm_month_snapshot SET _designBrandingCapacity = (SELECT _headCount FROM db_cpm_team_headcount WHERE _team = 'Design/Branding') * _workingDays * 8
[11] 0.02 seconds -> 0 rows affected
UPDATE db_cpm_month_snapshot SET _contentWritingCapacity = (SELECT _headCount FROM db_cpm_team_headcount WHERE _team = 'Content/Writing') * _workingDays * 8
[12] 0.01 seconds -> 0 rows affected
UPDATE db_cpm_month_snapshot SET _videoAnimationCapacity = (SELECT _headCount FROM db_cpm_team_headcount WHERE _team = 'Video/Animation') * _workingDays * 8
[13] 0.01 seconds -> 0 rows affected
UPDATE db_cpm_month_snapshot a INNER JOIN (SELECT DATE_FORMAT(_completedDT, '%Y%m') AS _monthYear, SUM(_designBrandingHours) AS _designBrandingCompletedHours FROM db_workfront_utilization WHERE _completedDT IS NOT NULL AND _completedDT > '2023-01-31' GROUP BY _monthYear ORDER BY _monthYear DESC) b ON a._monthYear = b._monthYear SET a._designBrandingCompletedHours = b._designBrandingCompletedHours
[14] 0.01 seconds -> 0 rows affected
UPDATE db_cpm_month_snapshot a INNER JOIN (SELECT DATE_FORMAT(_completedDT, '%Y%m') AS _monthYear, SUM(_contentWritingHours) AS _contentWritingCompletedHours FROM db_workfront_utilization WHERE _completedDT IS NOT NULL AND _completedDT > '2023-01-31' GROUP BY _monthYear ORDER BY _monthYear DESC) b ON a._monthYear = b._monthYear SET a._contentWritingCompletedHours = b._contentWritingCompletedHours
[15] 0.01 seconds -> 0 rows affected
UPDATE db_cpm_month_snapshot a INNER JOIN (SELECT DATE_FORMAT(_completedDT, '%Y%m') AS _monthYear, SUM(_videoAnimationHours) AS _videoAnimationCompletedHours FROM db_workfront_utilization WHERE _completedDT IS NOT NULL AND _completedDT > '2023-01-31' GROUP BY _monthYear ORDER BY _monthYear DESC) b ON a._monthYear = b._monthYear SET a._videoAnimationCompletedHours = b._videoAnimationCompletedHours
[16] 0.01 seconds -> 0 rows affected
UPDATE db_cpm_month_snapshot SET _designBrandingUtilization = _designBrandingCompletedHours/_designBrandingCapacity, _contentWritingUtilization = _contentWritingCompletedHours/_contentWritingCapacity, _videoAnimationUtilization = _videoAnimationCompletedHours/_videoAnimationCapacity
[17] 0.01 seconds -> 0 rows affected
UPDATE db_cpm_month_snapshot a INNER JOIN (SELECT DATE_FORMAT(_predictCompleteDT, '%Y%m') AS _monthYear, SUM(_designBrandingHours) AS _designBrandingPredictedHours FROM db_workfront_utilization WHERE _predictCompleteDT IS NOT NULL AND _predictCompleteDT > '2023-01-31' GROUP BY _monthYear ORDER BY _monthYear DESC) b ON a._monthYear = b._monthYear SET a._designBrandingPredictedHours = b._designBrandingPredictedHours
[18] 0.46 seconds -> 4 rows affected
UPDATE db_cpm_month_snapshot a INNER JOIN (SELECT DATE_FORMAT(_predictCompleteDT, '%Y%m') AS _monthYear, SUM(_contentWritingHours) AS _contentWritingPredictedHours FROM db_workfront_utilization WHERE _predictCompleteDT IS NOT NULL AND _predictCompleteDT > '2023-01-31' GROUP BY _monthYear ORDER BY _monthYear DESC) b ON a._monthYear = b._monthYear SET a._contentWritingPredictedHours = b._contentWritingPredictedHours
[19] 0.15 seconds -> 4 rows affected
UPDATE db_cpm_month_snapshot a INNER JOIN (SELECT DATE_FORMAT(_predictCompleteDT, '%Y%m') AS _monthYear, SUM(_videoAnimationHours) AS _videoAnimationPredictedHours FROM db_workfront_utilization WHERE _predictCompleteDT IS NOT NULL AND _predictCompleteDT > '2023-01-31' GROUP BY _monthYear ORDER BY _monthYear DESC) b ON a._monthYear = b._monthYear SET a._videoAnimationPredictedHours = b._videoAnimationPredictedHours
[20] 0.23 seconds -> 4 rows affected
UPDATE db_cpm_month_snapshot SET _designBrandingPredictedUtilization = _designBrandingPredictedHours/_designBrandingCapacity, _contentWritingPredictedUtilization = _contentWritingPredictedHours/_contentWritingCapacity, _videoAnimationPredictedUtilization = _videoAnimationPredictedHours/_videoAnimationCapacity
[21] 0.09 seconds -> 4 rows affected
INSERT INTO db_cpm_day_snapshot(_date) SELECT FROM_UNIXTIME(UNIX_TIMESTAMP(CONCAT(x.CreatedYear, '-', x.CreatedMonth, '-', t.n)),'%Y-%m-%d') AS DATE FROM ( SELECT (((b4.0 << 1 | b3.0) << 1 | b2.0) << 1 | b1.0) << 1 | b0.0 AS n FROM (SELECT 0 UNION ALL SELECT 1) AS b0, (SELECT 0 UNION ALL SELECT 1) AS b1, (SELECT 0 UNION ALL SELECT 1) AS b2, (SELECT 0 UNION ALL SELECT 1) AS b3, (SELECT 0 UNION ALL SELECT 1) AS b4 ) t, (SELECT DISTINCT CreatedMonth, CreatedYear, DAY(LAST_DAY(STR_TO_DATE(CONCAT(a.CreatedYear, '-', a.CreatedMonth, '-', '01'), '%Y-%m-%d'))) AS 'DaysInMonth' FROM (SELECT DISTINCT MONTH(_createdDT) AS 'CreatedMonth', YEAR(_createdDT) AS 'CreatedYear' FROM db_workfront_utilization) a WHERE CONCAT(a.CreatedYear, a.CreatedMonth) NOT IN (SELECT CONCAT(YEAR(_date), MONTH(_date)) FROM db_cpm_day_snapshot) ORDER BY a.CreatedYear, a.CreatedMonth) x WHERE t.n > 0 AND t.n <= x.DaysInMonth
[22] 0.01 seconds -> 0 rows affected
UPDATE db_cpm_day_snapshot a INNER JOIN (SELECT _completedDT, SUM(_designBrandingHours) AS _designBrandingCompletedHours, SUM(_contentWritingHours) AS _contentWritingCompletedHours, SUM(_videoAnimationHours) AS _videoAnimationCompletedHours FROM db_workfront_utilization WHERE _completedDT IS NOT NULL AND _completedDT >= '2022-12-31' GROUP BY _completedDT ORDER BY _completedDT DESC) b ON a._date = b._completedDT SET a._designBrandingCompletedHours = b._designBrandingCompletedHours, a._contentWritingCompletedHours = b._contentWritingCompletedHours, a._VideoAnimationCompletedHours = b._videoAnimationCompletedHours
[23] 0.19 seconds -> 6 rows affected