Start Processing : 2025-03-15 02:33:09
0 rows affectedUPDATE dashboard_engagement_export e, db_airtable_email a SET e._campaign = a._code, e._screenshot = a._screenshot WHERE e._emailID = a._id
[340] 3 seconds -> 0 rows affected
UPDATE dashboard_engagement_export e INNER JOIN (SELECT _email, _emailID FROM dashboard_engagement_export WHERE _type = 'download') o SET e._showExport = 0 WHERE e._email = o._email AND e._emailID = o._emailID AND e._type IN ('opens','clicks')
[350] 0.07 seconds -> 0 rows affected
UPDATE dashboard_engagement_export e INNER JOIN (SELECT _email, _emailID FROM dashboard_engagement_export WHERE _type = 'clicks') o SET e._showExport = 0 WHERE e._email = o._email AND e._emailID = o._emailID AND e._type IN ('opens')
[360] 0.23 seconds -> 0 rows affected
UPDATE dashboard_engagement_export e, w_email_firstengaged s SET e._score = s._engagementScore WHERE e._email = s._email
[380] 0.01 seconds -> 0 rows affected
INSERT INTO lookup_daily_maxID (_date, _type, _maxID)
SELECT DATE_FORMAT(NOW(),'%Y-%m-%d'),_type, MAX(_activityID) FROM db_pardot_combined WHERE _activityID > 0 GROUP BY _type ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE _maxID = VALUES(_maxID)
[400] 0.04 seconds -> 3 rows affected
UPDATE dashboard_engagement_export e, lookup_state_code a SET e._metroArea = a._stateLong WHERE e._metroArea = a._stateCode
[500] 0 seconds -> 0 rows affected